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To support the Iraqi Resistance

To all of us it is obvious that the Iraqi Resistance is making advances and is increasingly troubling the US occupation. As you know we believe it to be our duty to politically support them in Europe. The int'l day of action on Sept 25 has shown that it is possible but the space we could gain is much bigger. Therefore we propose a European conference in support of the Iraqi Resistance in next spring, maybe on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the aggression on Iraq. We would very much like to co-organise such an initiative with you taking into account also your wishes. We try our best to integrate also some of those forces oscillating between the open support of the resistance and the mainstream positions of the anti-globalisation movement. Therefore we are planning a preparatory meeting by the end of Nov in Germany. We will put this meeting also in connection to the so-called "Islamist conference" in Germany which has been forbidden. You know that we defended the conference because they made nothing more that to support the resistance. Although these friends were in no way Islamists the campaign against them equalised Islamis with terrorism and left no space for the freedom of thought and religion let alone organisation. Therefore it is an attack of all of us. So we want to fuse our project of the Resistance conference with that of Fadi Madi. He also does agree to that. Furthermore we would like to ask you on the case of Kubaysi. He has now been in disappearance for over one month. The Red Cross has been concerned by his wife but so far without result. We believe that we should take some action to increase the awareness on this case. This is not because of the specific political line he represented but because his attempt to create a POLITICAL alliance of ALL the resistance forces without being directly linked to armed groups. So it is a grave case touching elementary democratic rights and thus displaying the totalitary character of the puppet regime. In this way we do not wipe away the legitimicy of the armed resistance. But for everybody it is clear at armed resistacne will be fought by violant means. But Kubaysi wanted to build a political front. This makes him to a case like the Latin American desapparecidos in the dirty war in the 80s. And all knows that Negroponte was the architect of the strategy of the death squadrons. So our proposal is to stage simoulaniously protest actions in front of the US embassies or cosulates all over Europe and maybe also outside.

Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria


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